Real Property Management Eclipse

It’s Summer! Time to Clean Your Kirkland Rental Property’s Chimney

Summer is one of the year’s best seasons. For the majority, summer offers the promise of vacations, sunshine, and fun. For the owners of single-family rental homes, the arrival of summer reminds you to do crucial maintenance jobs on your Kirkland rental homes as well. For rental properties bearing fireplaces, summer is the best opportunity to clean the chimneys and go ahead of any possible fire hazards further along the road – before the cold weather comes and makes it harder to perform chimney cleaning.

The interior of a chimney gathers layers of soot and creosote with regular use. A chimney fire could happen if enough layers have built up, which can lead to damage to the chimney and potentially spread to the entire home. Even though the last thing you or your residents want is to set your rental house on fire, chimney cleaning is not always included on typical maintenance plans. Because of this, the correct property management company can be all that differentiates between an impending disaster and a safe, protected rental property.

Industry professionals recommend that all chimneys should be examined once a year. It’s essential to keep tabs on that soot layer so that you can be sure of the safety of your rental home. How often you clean the chimney depends on how regularly you use it, so it can be years before a chimney needs cleaning. The amount of time between necessary cleanings can result in chimneys being overlooked, with problems only recognized once a resident has attempted to light a fire in the fireplace. The worst time to fix chimney issues is when it’s cold outside and your residents have a house full of smoke.

Rather than working on costly repairs or liability problems after a fire has occurred, one should schedule regular inspections and cleanings for the chimneys of your rental homes. Scheduling proper maintenance at a suitable time of year will guarantee that your Kirkland residents can enjoy that cozy winter fire in a safe manner.

At Real Property Management Eclipse, we know the hazards that can arise from neglected chimneys. That is why we provide comprehensive maintenance plans that will safeguard your investment while offering you complete peace of mind. With our competitive pricing and guarantees, you can be confident that your property is in reliable hands. Would you like to find out more? Please contact us online or call us at 425-209-0252 for more information.